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Great Falls, Montana

Hometown State Liquor Store

Hometown State Liquor Store was formerly Westgate State Liquor Store

Yes! If you are looking for a specific liquor or wine you cannot find on our shelves, let us know and we will happily try to order it for you. We will check with our suppliers and work together to get you your special order. Depending on the product, we may require you to commit to more than one bottle.  Special order supply times vary by product – ranging from weeks to many months. We will reach out once the product arrives to arrange pickup.  

Yes! They make great gifts. 

Hometown State Liquor was formerly Westgate Liquor. When we rebranded with our new ownership, we wanted a new and meaningful name. Great Falls is our owner Kelsey’s hometown. When we were brainstorming names and what we wanted our store to be and portray, we kept coming back to a feeling of home. To us, ‘hometown’ brings fond feelings of comfort and friendliness. Those are also words we would use to describe our store and the type of service we are committed to providing. 

We do! In fact, we have an entire section of shelves dedicated to liquors made in distilleries all over Montana. We love to support other Montana small businesses and hope you do to. 

Sometimes! We always have products on order. Most of these products are bourbon and some of these orders date back over 10 years. These products do hit our shelves sporadically, however. Follow our social media pages to stay up do date when we get these types of products.  

It is against the law to ship alcohol in Montana. We generally only deliver orders to our bar and restaurant accounts. We do occasionally deliver large event orders if customer pick up is not feasible. As an alternative to shipping liquor, we do have gift certificates that we can mail.   

No. It is illegal for a State Liquor Store to sell beer in Montana.